Robb Symposium Series5/1/20232023 Events
Fri 10 February 11:00am-11:50am Composition Masterclass with Ellen Reid in cooperation with New Mexico Philharmonic Performers: UNM composition students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Center for the Arts, Room 1111 Program: TBA Fri 10 February 1:00pm-2:40pm Workshop with Jeffrey Brooks clarinet & Silviu Ciulei guitar Composers: UNM composition students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Center for the Arts, Room 1111 Program: TBA Sun 12 February 3:00pm UNM Faculty Spotlight Concert: Clarinet Meets Guitar Composers: John Donald Robb (1892-1989), Marc Mellits (b.1966), Adrian Andrei (b.1980), Redi Marku (b.1984), Olga Amelkina-Vera (b.1976), Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) Performers: Jeffrey Brooks clarinet & Silviu Ciulei guitar Venue: UNM Keller Hall Tickets: $0 Program:
Fri 24 February 11:00am & 1:00pm Composition Masterclass with Sarah Hennies Performers: UNM composition students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Center for the Arts Room 1111 Topic: TBA Fri 3 March 11:00am & 1:00pm Artist Talk with Composer Levi Raleigh Brown Levi will present by Zoom Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Center for the Arts Room 1111 Topics:
Sat 4 March 2:00pm Workshop with Percussionist Alan Zimmerman Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Keller Hall Sat 4 March 7:30pm Concert with Percussionist Alan Zimmerman Composers: Rebecca Saunders, Kenneth Cornell, Raven Chacon Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Keller Hall Program:
Tue 7 March 3:00pm Piano Masterclass with Emanuele Arciuli Performers: UNM Music students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Keller Hall Program: tba Tue 7 March 7:30pm Studio Recital Performers: New Music New Mexico and The UNM Composition students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Center for the Arts Room B120 Program: tba Wed 8 March 11:00am Lecture-Demonstration with Xavier Foley presented by Santa Fe Pro Musica Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Center for the Arts Room 1111 Program: Xavier will demonstrate and give a lecture on good string writing. Wed 8 March 2:00pm Piano Masterclass with Emanuele Arciuli Performers: UNM Music students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Keller Hall Program: tba Thu 9 March 12:30pm Piano Masterclass with Emanuele Arciuli Performers: UNM Music students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Keller Hall Program: tba Fri 10 March 4:30pm Piano Masterclass with Emanuele Arciuli Performers: UNM Music students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Keller Hall Program: tba Wed 22 - Fri 24 & Mon 27 March 51st Annual John Donald Robb Composer's Symposium Tickets: $0 UNM Keller Hall unless otherwise indicated* Composers: Axel Retif, Beth Ratay, Cara Haxo, Carlos Arellano, Chris Orphal, Daniel Davis, Doug Falk, John Donald Robb, Jude Harb, Laura Cetilia, Levi Raleigh Brown, Mario Godoy, Niloufar Nourbakhsh, Paula Matthusen, Sky Macklay, Thomas Ropp. Performers: Splinter Reeds (Kyle Bruckmann oboe, Bill Kalinkos clarinet, Nicki Roman saxophone, Jeff Anderle bass clarinet, Dana Jessen bassoon), Moving Lines Ensemble (Charlotte Leung alto saxophone, Adrian Gomez cello, Levi Raleigh Brown percussion, John Barney spoken word), David Felberg and Ruxandra Marquardt violin; Laura Tait Chang viola; Amy Huzjak cello.
Fri 7 April 11:00am Artist Talk with Clara Byom and Joshua Carro Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Center for the Arts Room 1111 Topics: tba Fri 14 April 11:00am Artist Talk with Beth Ratay Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Center for the Arts Room 1111 Topics: Emotions and Math, the Music of Beth Ratay Sun 30 April 12:00pm Studio Recital Performers: New Music New Mexico and The UNM Composition students Tickets: $0 Venue: UNM Keller Hall Program: tba Comments are closed.
February 2025