Exploring the Robb Musical Archives11/20/2014NOVEMBER 20, 2014 John Donald Robb’s contribution to the preservation of Hispanic folk music was discussed during “The Big Book”: Exploring the Robb Musical Archives, an Oct. 7, 2014 presentation at the Waters Room inside the UNM Center for Southwest Research (CSWR) at Zimmerman Library. Author and ethnomusicologist Jack Loeffler and Michael Kelly, director of the Center for Southwest Research, discussed John Donald Robb’s research and his “Big Book” – Hispanic Folk Music of New Mexico and the Southwest: A Self-Portrait of a People. This exhaustive study based on Robb's extensive research was originally published in 1980. Now, 34 years later, UNM Press has re-published what is still considered one of the most complete syntheses of Hispanic folk music in print. Loeffler wrote the foreword for the new edition. Kelly, a member of the Robb Trust Board of Directors, explored the Robb Musical Archives, which contain nearly 3,000 field recordings of Hispanic folk music made by John Donald Robb in the mid-20th century. The recordings are now available digitally through the CSWR’s website. The event was a celebration of the Trust's 25th anniversary. Comments are closed.
October 2024