SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 Frank McCulloch, a New Mexico favorite, headlined an afternoon of traditional folk music in an intimate concert on Sept. 15 at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Joining Frank were young musicians from Mad About Music, a performing group of string players from across Albuquerque. Raquel Z. Rivera emceed the event and provided insight into the music. Rivera, an author, scholar and singer-songwriter, holds a Ph.D. in sociology with a focus on Latino, Caribbean, Africana and popular music studies. She has an interest in John Donald Robb’s contribution to the preservation of Hispanic folk music and has conducted hours of research in the John Donald Robb Archive of Southwestern Music at the UNM Center for Southwest Research. The concert was an exciting opportunity to discover stories about the music of New Mexico. McCulloch grew up listening to the folk music of the Southwest and Mexico and began playing music in the 1950s. He has recorded many songs for the Robb musical archive at the UNM Center for Southwest Research. McCulloch also is a well-known landscape painter. Mad About Music, for nearly 30 years, has been providing young string players with an opportunity to perform. The youth group, led by Susan Kempter, a prominent Suzuki teacher trainer who specializes in applying interdisciplinary research to music pedagogy, consists of string players ranging in age from 9-18 years. Through the years, the group has traveled around the United States and to Mexico performing selections ranging from classical to folk music. Kempter has turned to folk songs from the Robb Archive in creating instructional materials for her students. A Radio InterviewADD AUDIO Albuquerque folk musician Frank McCulloch and UNM Lecturer Susan Kempter discuss John Donald Robb, how he collected Hispanic folk music and forms of Hispanic folk music in an interview with Matthew Finch on Ear to the Ground on KUNM-FM, September 7, 2013. Comments are closed.
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